Nameday Search


Name Nameday Origin Meaning
Arya May 12 noble
Emmeline Oct 27
Dwayne Oct 11 Irish The name Dwayne means swarthy
Melina Oct 29 Latin Yellow colored
Cesar Mar 15
Cordell May 20 Old French The name Cordell means rope maker.
Briley Jul 29
Geronimo Sep 30
Gracelyn Dec 18
Destinee Jun 4 Old French The name Destinee means one's a certain fortune; fate
Irie Oct 24
Theo Nov 9
Bella Nov 17 Latin Beautiful
Caysen Dec 10
Rory Apr 9 Irish Gaelic Red
Fiona Apr 26 Irish Gaelic Fair one or Pale
Davina Dec 29
Ivette Jan 13
Atharva Dec 4
Salem Sep 26

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